Topics may include:
Program Cancellation Policy Changes
Program Costs comparison pre/post-pandemic
Creative ways to financially support high-need students
Budget Challenges
Emergency Reserves
Vicki Dowling – Accounting Specialist, Rutgers University
Whip-Around activity to start each roundtable:
- When it is your turn to speak, you will have 30 seconds to share an idea in response to the prompts.
- When it is not your turn to speak, do not ask questions, interrupt, add, comment, etc. Practice active listening.
- Once everyone has had their 30 seconds, open the floor for discussion. At this point, there will be a lot to dig into.
Assign a timekeeper to gently remind members of the 30-second limit and the active listening agreement, and once all have shared, move into the open discussion.
For the open discussion, please assign a notetaker to write down as many ideas as possible as you continue brainstorming on the questions.