Int’l Affairs/ISS/HR Hot Topic Roundtable – Day #1

Int’l Affairs/ISS/HR Hot Topic Roundtable – Day #1

September 19, 2022 from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Topics may include:

Budget challenges

Spreading limited funds across ALL the asks

Staff travel/professional development demands

Emergency Reserves

Offices/Gateways abroad & current challenges (including China)

International employment demands

Hybrid working pros/cons

Staff Burnout

DEI Hiring Practices

COVID “wins”

China Bank Runs

Int’l student enrollment projections & the impact due to political/civil unrest

Exchange balances

Int’l Stu Fee Refund Policy


Wil Biddle – Associate Director of Administrative Services, University of Maryland

Whip-Around activity to start each roundtable:

  1. When it is your turn to speak, you will have 30 seconds to share an idea in response to the prompts. 
  2. When it is not your turn to speak, do not ask questions, interrupt, add, comment, etc. Practice active listening.  
  3. Once everyone has had their 30 seconds, open the floor for discussion. At this point, there will be a lot to dig into.

Assign a timekeeper to gently remind members of the 30-second limit and the active listening agreement, and once all have shared, move into the open discussion.

For the open discussion, please assign a notetaker to write down as many ideas as possible as you continue brainstorming on the questions.