Everyone has been facing monumental changes over the last 3 years. We are coming to the point where we are picking up the pieces and rebuilding. This is a look at how three institutions are navigating the new path of International Education. This is a combination of Hot Topics: Managing Changes, and the Great Resignation. We are taking a look at the aftermath of Covid and the Great Resignation on our individual institutions and taking a look at how these changes can be managed and how we are going to handle the incoming momentum of increased interest in International Education. Takeaways: Retention and Recognition Techniques, Tips for Managing big changes/Absorbing increased interest with a shrunken staff.
Tami Jauert – HR Director, University of Minnesota
Ami Tain – Program Coordinator, Boise State University
Karen Wardzala – Associate Director of FInance & Business, Georgetown University
Tami Jauert – HR Director, University of Minnesota
Tami Jauert is the HR Director for the Global Programs and Strategy Alliance at the University of Minnesota. She has worked in Human Resources at the University of Minnesota for 19 years doing work ranging from data entry and payroll verification to employee relations, performance management, and employee engagement. Tami has a Bachelor’s of Science degree from South Dakota State University and is a certified Senior Human Resource Professional from the Society for Human Resources Management. Tami is currently the co-chair of the HEIBO Professional Development committee and a member at large of the HEIBO steering committee.
Ami Tain – Program Coordinator, Boise State University
Ami has worked for Boise State University for the last 10 1/2 years in the Center for Global Education. She has managed front office, back office, and is now the program coordinator for short-term faculty-led programming. Ami has been a HEIBO member since 2018, hosted the 2019 conference, and is the sitting Conference Committee Chair